MERCED County, California, USA (North America)

Have you lived in or visited Merced County, California? Tell us about it!

Winton — October 2019 — I grew up in Winton, California USA. It is a very very small town located in Merced County central California. I’m not a fan of the weather which can get hot here in the summer. The town is split into two sides with northbound train tracks running in between. There really isn’t anything to do here so people usually travel to neighboring cities like Atwater or Merced to visit bigger stores, the mall, movies or even fast food. Once a year we have a fair that comes to our park but it doesn’t stay for long maybe 2 weeks average. It’s a quiet place but it’s still a bit dangerous at night still i’m sure that goes with any town. We don’t have a high school here so we have to go by bus to nearby city of Atwater to go to high school there. The home costs and rent is cheaper in here than nearby towns or cities so it feels like many that live here commute to their jobs outside of town. It’s slowly growing since moving here in the mid 90’s but it’s mostly the same as before really. Overall this small town is pretty diverse and I like the culture differences within the community and I look forward to how my small town will grow in the future.